
              Conference theme

              Call for Papers


              Keynote speakers

              Important dates


              Practical information




Registration fees: Early bird registration Late registration One-day (*)
    Regular participants 400 CHF 450 CHF 50 CHF
    ISCA members 300 CHF 350 CHF  
    Students 250 CHF 280 CHF 30 CHF
    ISCA students 200 CHF 250 CHF  

(*) One-day access to the conference: only for non-presenters, only one ticket per person, including coffee
and lunch breaks, excluding conference dinner.


Payment of the registration fee is in Swiss francs (CHF).

Payments are processed via PayPal, for which a credit card is necessary
(Visa / MasterCard / American Express).

If you wish to become a member of the International Society of Conversation Analysis (ISCA),
please go to: http://isca.clubexpress.com.